
Get sinus relief that lasts with balloon sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is an in-office procedure performed by Board Certified Houston ENT, Dr. Michael Kaplan. Guests from around the world are welcome.

Family laughing

Balloon sinuplasty effectively treats:

Woman with sinus problems

Reduce pressure by helping your sinus cavities drain properly.

Man coughing

Help mucus drain properly and reduce your body’s need to cough.

Sick man

Open your sinus ways and prevent the buildup that leads to common allergy symptoms.

Couple snoring

Open blocked sinuses and breathe clearer during sleep.

Woman with sinus problems

Balloon sinuplasty can help with chronic bad breath, difficulty breathing, and other sinus issues.


Houston Balloon Sinuplasty Experts

Balloon Sinuplasty is a minimally invasive sinus relief procedure for patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis. This procedure is minimally invasive, pain-free, and performed in-office by Houston balloon sinuplasty pioneer Dr. Michael Kaplan, MD.

Balloon sinuplasty is


Dr. Kaplan inserts a tiny balloon in the affected sinus pathway, which is then dilated to expand and widen the sinus passageway, and then removed to restore proper drainage and airflow.

Balloon sinuplasty is


This procedure only takes about 20 minutes and recovery is over in as few as 24 hours.

Balloon sinuplasty is


More than 5,000 patients have had their chronic sinus issues cleared for good thanks to Houston balloon sinuplasty from Dr. Kaplan.

Is balloon sinuplasty right for you?

If you have at least 4 sinus infections a year or have had a prolonged sinus infection for more than 12 weeks and aren’t seeing results from medications, balloon sinuplasty may be the best treatment option for you.

Common questions about balloon sinuplasty answered

Am I a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty? What happens on the day of the procedure? Get answers to these and many more of your top questions about balloon sinuplasty from Houston’s top provider, Dr. Michael Kaplan.

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Balloon sinuplasty changes lives

See how Dr. Kaplan and balloon sinuplasty are helping Houston breathe better.


Lifetime of sinus issues eliminated with a visit to Dr Kaplan. Dr. Kaplan's professionalism continued with his office personnel and I appreciate each and every one of them. Thank You Dr. Kaplan!

- BJ M.


How balloon sinuplasty restores sinus drainage


Locate Blocked Sinus Pathway

Dr. Kaplan locates the affected sinus area(s).


Insert + Inflate Balloon

Dr. Kaplan gently positions, inserts, and inflates the small balloon to reshape the sinus.


Drainage Restored

The balloon is carefully removed from the reshaped sinus area and proper drainage is restored.

Balloon sinuplasty step 1

Clogged sinuses don’t drain properly, causing unpleasant symptoms.


Locate Blocked Sinus Pathway

Dr. Kaplan locates the affected sinus area(s).

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Balloon sinuplasty step 1

Clogged sinuses don’t drain properly, causing unpleasant symptoms.


Insert + Inflate Balloon

Dr. Kaplan gently positions, inserts, and inflates the small balloon to reshape the sinus.

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Balloon sinuplasty step 2

A small endoscopic balloon is positioned and inflated within the affected sinus area.


Drainage Restored

The balloon is carefully removed from the reshaped sinus area and proper drainage is restored.

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Balloon sinuplasty step 3

With the sinuses flushed and reshaped, proper drainage is restored for better breathing.

Balloon sinuplasty step 1

Clogged sinuses don’t drain properly, causing unpleasant symptoms.

Can Balloon Sinuplasty give you relief?

If you're wondering how to find lasting relief from sinus symptoms, take our quiz to see if balloon sinuplasty is your answer. A few simple questions could put you on your path to better breathing.

Quiz preview

How Kaplan Sinus Relief makes balloon sinuplasty better

As a pioneer of balloon sinuplasty in Houston, Dr. Kaplan offers several innovations to ensure your balloon sinuplasty experience is as safe, effective, and relaxing as possible.

Our treatment innovations include:

Couple smiling

Balloon sinuplasty is already pain-free and minimally invasive, but for patients who feel nervous during medical procedures, we offer IV sedation to help you stay relaxed.

Family camping

Kaplan Sinus Relief is the only sinus surgery center in america that uses augmented reality imaging for safer, more precise balloon sinuplasty sinus treatment.

Man cycling

All imaging is performed in-office using state-of-the-art CT scanners that use 82% less radiation than average.

Balloon Sinuplasty Process

Learn more about the Balloon Sinuplasty Process

Balloon Sinuplasty Process

Learn more about the Balloon Sinuplasty Process

Meet the doctor

About Dr. Kaplan

Board-certified ENT Dr. Michael Kaplan is one of the pioneers of balloon sinuplasty and is sought out by people from around the country for his unique expertise. “Many people who suffer with sinusitis are totally unaware that a simple in-office procedure called balloon sinus dilation can restore drainage and alleviate symptoms in minutes,” says Dr. Kaplan. “It’s easy for the patient, reduces costs, and has an impressive success rate.”

Dr. Kaplan

We give each patient VIP status and deliver care in a spa-like atmosphere. We want every patient to have an exceptional experience, and we go to extra lengths to make that happen.

- Dr.Kaplan

Dr. Kaplan

We give each patient VIP status and deliver care in a spa-like atmosphere. We want every patient to have an exceptional experience, and we go to extra lengths to make that happen.

- Dr.Kaplan


4101 Greenbriar Drive, Suite 320

Houston, TX 77098