Whether you struggle with dry nasal passages during the winter or live in an arid environment where the dry heat and your sinuses are in a constant battle, knowing how to help a dry nose can come in handy.
But treating your dry nose can go beyond just the desire for comfort. In fact, keeping the inside of your nose properly moisturized helps you fight off sinus issues such as sinus infections. Learn more about what causes our nasal passageways and throat to dry out, as well as how to help a dry nose.
Why is the inside of my nose so dry? Dry nose causes.
A dry nose can be caused by a wide variety of things, with the most common culprits listed below. It’s important to keep in mind that your dry nose might be the result of several of these factors combined.
Medicines used to treat allergies and cold: The antihistamines and nasal sprays used to combat allergies can worsen dry nose symptoms. If you suspect that your antihistamines may be contributing to your dry nose, your doctor can help you adjust or moderate their use.
Dry weather: Both cold dry weather and arid weather create ideal conditions for dry nose.
Smoking: Smoking (including smoking marijuana) can dry out your sinuses, as can second-hand smoke.
Vitamin A and/or C deficiencies: Diets low in vitamin A and/or C contribute have been shown to contribute to dry nose as well as nosebleeds.
Sjögren’s syndrome: Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body to not produce enough moisture in certain glands. While the disorder primarily affects the salivary and lacrimal (tear) glands, it can also cause dry nose, dry skin, and more symptoms throughout the body.
Atrophic rhinitis: Atrophic rhinitis is a condition that causes the interior of your nose to atrophy (deteriorate). It can lead to dry nasal passages as well as crusting, discharge, and foul odor.
How do you keep your nose moist? Dry nose remedies.
Fortunately, knowing how to help a dry nose can help you get some relief from your symptoms using tools that are easily accessible. If your dry nose persists despite your use of the following memories, consider making an appointment with your sinus doctor in Houston.
- Use a “dry nose spray” (not to be confused with allergy sprays). These include saline solutions and OTC nasal drops.
- When possible, avoid antihistamines and other types of medications that dry out your skin. Try to speak with your doctor before you notice allergy season signs.
- Purchase and use a humidifier (preferably a self-sterilizing model) for your bedroom, especially if you live in a dry climate.
- Taking a steam bath may provide temporary relief to dry nose symptoms.
- Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine.
- And most importantly, stay hydrated! One of the best ways to combat a dry nose is to make sure that your body has everything it needs to create moisture.
How do you treat dry skin around the nose?
Petroleum jelly has proven beneficial to alleviating symptoms of dry nose, both inside and outside of the nose. Apply only a thin layer of the jelly to affected areas; while petroleum jelly is tolerated by the stomach, applying too much can lead to respiratory issues.
Kaplan Sinus Relief for all your ENT needs
Have more questions about how to help a dry nose? Struggling with other sinus issues? Kaplan Sinus Relief is here to help. While we are most well-known for providing balloon sinuplasty in Houston, we are here to answer any and all of your ENT questions.
Simply contact Kaplan Sinus Relief online or call us at 713-766-1818 to set up an appointment today.
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