ClariFix is an increasingly popular procedure that helps address chronic rhinitis (a constantly runny or congested nose). But exactly how long does ClariFix last? Let’s take a few moments to break down the current information on ClariFix cryotherapy, the procedure’s benefits, and what you can expect as far as future issues.
How long does ClariFix last? What science tells us so far.
ClariFix is designed to bring results but, as a relatively new procedure, we’re still learning exactly how long the effects of the procedure last. According to a 2017 independent study by the International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, the Clarifix procedure significantly reduced symptoms for patients at 30, 90, 180, and 365 days.
Based on our own patients’ feedback, the ClariFix results last at least a year or more. For many, this provides a much better alternative than taking medication regularly or allowing yourself to suffer from chronic rhinitis issues every day.
What symptoms does ClariFix address?
Odds are, if you’re experiencing any pesky nasal issues, ClariFix can help. This treatment is specifically designed to address the root cause of your chronic rhinitis issues — as opposed to simply trying to temporarily stop a runny nose or reduce congestion.
ClariFix can put a stop to issues that stem from imbalanced or inflamed nerves, which can cause persistent inflammation, congestion, and swelling. In other words, if you tend to go about your day-to-day activities wiping your nose, clearing your throat, and sneezing every few minutes, ClariFix may be a good option for you.
Keep in mind, there are two different types of chronic rhinitis — allergic and non-allergic rhinitis. While the triggers can be different for each type, they still produce very similar symptoms that can stem from the same source within your nose. Because of this, ClariFix can work for both forms of chronic rhinitis.
Further Reading: To learn more about seeking relief from allergies with sinus treatments, check out our article, “Does sinus surgery help allergies?”
How does ClariFix work?
Now that you better understand what ClariFix treats, let’s dissect how ClariFix treats those symptoms.
Here’s what you can expect during the treatment:
- A ClariFix balloon (formally referred to as a ClariFix cryoablation device) is inserted into your nose
- The balloon is maneuvered near your posterior nasal nerve (PNN) which is responsible for sending signals for mucus production
- Nitrogen gas is used to cool down the posterior nasal nerve, limiting its activity in the process
In essence, the nitrogen gas “freezes” the area responsible for initiating your nasal symptoms. As a result, those symptoms are stopped or significantly reduced.
ClariFix is a simple procedure that can be done in as little as 10 minutes. And as an added benefit, it’s non-invasive, meaning there is no cutting or removal of bone or tissue. Because of this, there really is no noticeable pain, bleeding, or even discomfort.
Related Content: Understanding the difference — rhinitis vs sinusitis
What are the benefits of ClariFix?
If you’ve read any ClariFix patient reviews, then you probably know that ClariFix has plenty of benefits. Some of those benefits we’ve already listed, but those have primarily dealt with the procedure itself (which is that it’s safe, simple, and fast). However, ClariFix benefits expand beyond the procedure to involve the recovery process, as well as its results.
What is the recovery process?
As we’ve mentioned already, the ClariFix procedure only lasts around 10 minutes in total, and it is minimally invasive. Everything remains intact and nothing is actually altered or physically changed. The only thing that happens is freezing by means of nitrogen gas. As a result, complications and risks are extremely rare. You don’t have to worry about scarring or discomfort post-procedure. In fact, you can leave the office within 30 minutes of the procedure.
How long does it take for ClariFix to work?
After the procedure is over, you might experience some congestion for a few weeks. However, within 4-6 weeks, this congestion should be alleviated, and you should begin to experience the lasting benefits of ClariFix.
How to get started with ClariFix at Kaplan Sinus Relief
Now that you know the answer to the question, “How long does ClariFix last?” are you going to keep letting chronic rhinitis get in your way of living life? If you think it’s time to make a change, Kaplan Sinus Relief can help.
At Kaplan Sinus Relief, we have years of experience helping thousands of Houstonians breathe and feel better. We use treatments such as ClariFix to provide our patients with long-lasting results, so they can finally stop dealing with daily nasal issues (including issues that stem from the 5 common allergies and non-allergic chronic rhinitis).
If you’d like to learn more about how ClariFix can help you, we’d love to talk. Give us a call or book an appointment online today. Struggling with other sinus issues? Whether you have a sinus headache that won’t go away, or want to learn more about the LATERA implant for nasal obstruction relief, Kaplan can help: 713-597-8424.
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