Balloon Sinuplasty, Sinus Surgery
What to Expect After Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery
March 3, 2021
4 minutes
Reviewed by Michael Kaplan, MD

If you’re wondering what to expect after balloon sinuplasty, there’s one thing you can expect for certain: long lasting relief from sinusitis complications.
But other than long-lasting relief, what else should you expect after balloon sinuplasty? What are the aftercare instructions, how long is the recovery process, and are there any common complications?
Let’s take a few moments to answer these questions, as well as other general questions regarding what to expect after balloon sinuplasty in Houston.
How long does it take to recover from balloon sinuplasty?
Balloon sinuplasty isn’t just an extremely successful procedure; it’s also a relatively painless one.
The procedure itself takes less than 30 minutes to complete, and it can be performed in-office. The process requires a balloon to be inserted into the affected sinus cavity and then inflated. Doing so reshapes the impacted area and restores proper drainage in the process.
Since there is no cutting or removal of bone or tissue involved, the recovery process is quick — lasting roughly 1–2 days. In fact, most balloon sinuplasty patients return to work and most normal activities within 24 hours of the procedure being completed.
To top things off, some patients even opt for IV sedation, making the process even more painless. IV sedation for balloon sinuplasty is a great option for people who feel uncomfortable or nervous during in-office procedures. Unlike general anesthesia, the patient remains awake with IV sedation (although it’s likely that you won’t remember the procedure in its entirety).
Keep reading: What is Balloon Sinuplasty?
What are the best balloon sinuplasty recovery tips?
There are a handful of simple balloon sinuplasty recovery tips to keep in mind, but here are some of the most important to remember:
- Get a ride home after the procedure (this is especially important if you’ve opted for IV sedation)
- Don’t blow your nose for at least 24 hours
- Check with your doctor before using any pain medication at home
- Make sure any other medication you take on a regular basis is approved by your doctor to continue taking post-procedure
- Avoid strenuous exercise for at least a week
- Moderate exercise is okay after the first 48 hours
Wondering about balloon sinuplasty before and after? Minimal swelling and congestion after balloon sinuplasty are normal during the recovery process. However, if you notice the swelling or congestion isn’t letting up (or if you believe the congestion or swelling is getting worse) after 48 hours, contact your doctor and schedule a follow-up appointment. The same thing is also true with bloody discharge. Some bloody discharge is completely normal after balloon sinuplasty, but it should let up within the first day or two after the procedure. If it doesn’t, schedule a follow-up appointment.
Pro Tip: If you feel as if the swelling or congestion is uncomfortable, try to keep your head elevated. This will help your body naturally reduce some of that swelling and congestion. You may even want to consider sleeping in an armchair for the first night.
Are there complications after balloon sinuplasty?
Complications after balloon sinuplasty are extremely rare. The most you’ll experience is some fatigue and maybe a few headaches — but similar to the bloody discharge and swelling, these side effects should all dissipate within the first 48 hours.
This is why many people love resorting to balloon sinuplasty for sinus infections. Are there complications after balloon sinuplasty?Rarely, if ever. Is there pain after balloon sinuplasty? Minimal, if at all. Do the benefits of balloon sinuplasty wear off? Possible, but not likely.
All in all, balloon sinuplasty is safe, effective, and pain-free.
Want to know if you’re a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty? Take our balloon sinuplasty quiz. It takes less than five minutes to complete.
Getting started with balloon sinuplasty in Houston
If you’re wondering what to expect after balloon sinuplasty, choosing Kaplan Sinus Relief can help you rest easier before, during, and after the procedure. At Kaplan Sinus Relief, we have decades of combined experience helping the people of Houston breathe better. This includes performing the highly effective balloon sinuplasty procedure for hundreds of patients every year.
Balloon sinuplasty is a great option if you’re seeking relief from chronic sinus infections, sinus headaches, allergies, and even snoring. This innovative, yet non-invasive procedure only takes 25 minutes to perform, but we guarantee it will provide you years of relief.
If you’re ready to start your journey to a life free of sinusitis complications, check out our balloon sinuplasty FAQ and then book an appointment online.
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